Michelin Stars
LA CHIACCHIERA restaurant is located in the historic center of Corio. Characterized by a rustic and cozy atmosphere, it offers traditional dishes to rediscover the ancient and timeless flavors of the tasty local culinary tradition. The courteous staff is at the complete disposal of customers for helpful advice on the dishes offered to quickly and efficiently satisfy every taste and need. It offers themed and customized menus for every occasion.
Via Claudio Chiesa 1, 10070 Corio (TO)

45.3123483, 7.5331365

Type of Cuisine
Seasonal cuisine
Cuisine Km0
Traditional dishes
Acciughe al verde
Carne cruda in insalata battuta al coltello
Vitello tonnato
Flan di cardi o topinanbour con fonduta
Tajarin funghi porcini
Gnocchi alla bava
Agnolotti del Plin
Agnolotti di carni con burro e salvia o sugo d'arrosto
Gran bollito misto alla piemontese
Bue brasato al Carema
Fritto misto alla piemontese
Bagna Caoda
Panna cotta
Pesche ripiene all'amaretto
Credit Cards Accepted
Indoor covers : 40
Disabled Access
Entrance fully accessible, no barriers or accessible with assistance
Waiting staff to welcome blind people or people with visually impairments
Room(s) with possibility of access to wheelchairs and with accessible tables
Lavatory facilities accessible and usable by people with limited mobility
Table service (no buffet or self-service) available or on request
Open during the following holidays
25/12, 31/12, 01/01, 25/04, 01/05, 15/08, Easter