Museum Foglizzo MUSEO DALLA SAGGINA ALLA SCOPA The museum is located inside the former Church of San Defendente and bears witness to the flourishing local production of broomcorn brooms. The exhibition displays the cultivation, harvesting and crafting phases, together with the manufacturing...
Museum Pragelato MUSEO DEL COSTUME E DELLE TRADIZIONI DELLE GENTI ALPINE The museum has a collection of items relating to local agriculture and an extensive collection of women’s costumes of the Western Alps. Worth seeing are those from Pragelato and Fenestrelle, with their characteristic bonnets and multicoloured...
Museum Andrate MUSEO DELLA CIVILTA' CONTADINA The ethnographic museum offers a rich collection of more than seven hundred items and tools bearing witness of the life and work of a mountain community: they are displayed as workshops, in order that visitors are able to better understand and...
Museum Perosa Canavese MUSEO DIDATTICO "MEMORIE DEL TEMPO" In order to recreate genuine demonstrations of past life, commendable people and communities have collected, from all over the place, household, countryside and craft tools, toys, furniture and even clothing in museums which pay homage to many towns...
Museum Condove MUSEO ETNOGRAFICO "LA GHINDANA" Il Museo Etnografico Gente di Montagna di Condove è ospitato presso l’edificio dell’ex comune della frazione Mocchie, posta nel cuore di un ambiente montano che ancora conserva il gusto di un tempo. Il museo illustra il modo antico di vivere in...
Museum Pont Canavese MUSEO ETNOGRAFICO DI ANTICHI MESTIERI A museum dedicated to the local ancient crafts and countryside activities with reconstructions of the work settings of the various trades.
Museum Foglizzo MUSEO DALLA SAGGINA ALLA SCOPA The museum is located inside the former Church of San Defendente and bears witness to the flourishing local production of broomcorn brooms. The exhibition displays the cultivation, harvesting and crafting phases, together with the manufacturing...
Museum Pragelato MUSEO DEL COSTUME E DELLE TRADIZIONI DELLE GENTI ALPINE The museum has a collection of items relating to local agriculture and an extensive collection of women’s costumes of the Western Alps. Worth seeing are those from Pragelato and Fenestrelle, with their characteristic bonnets and multicoloured...
Museum Andrate MUSEO DELLA CIVILTA' CONTADINA The ethnographic museum offers a rich collection of more than seven hundred items and tools bearing witness of the life and work of a mountain community: they are displayed as workshops, in order that visitors are able to better understand and...
Museum Perosa Canavese MUSEO DIDATTICO "MEMORIE DEL TEMPO" In order to recreate genuine demonstrations of past life, commendable people and communities have collected, from all over the place, household, countryside and craft tools, toys, furniture and even clothing in museums which pay homage to many towns...
Museum Condove MUSEO ETNOGRAFICO "LA GHINDANA" Il Museo Etnografico Gente di Montagna di Condove è ospitato presso l’edificio dell’ex comune della frazione Mocchie, posta nel cuore di un ambiente montano che ancora conserva il gusto di un tempo. Il museo illustra il modo antico di vivere in...
Museum Pont Canavese MUSEO ETNOGRAFICO DI ANTICHI MESTIERI A museum dedicated to the local ancient crafts and countryside activities with reconstructions of the work settings of the various trades.