Promo tram travel

If you are attending the Nitto ATP Finals, tram travel on routes 4 and 10 will be free!

From 10th to 17th November, spectators will be able to travel for free on the 4 and 10 tram lines on the day their ticket is valid (by showing their Nitto ATP Finals ticket).
The GTT initiative is in collaboration with the Italian Tennis and Padel Federation.


To and from Inalpi Arena

The Inalpi Arena is served by no.4 on Corso Unione Sovietica and no.10 on Corso Agnelli; both lines serve the north-south part of the city, connecting the event venue.

Line 4 also connects to Porta Nuova and Torino Stura stations.
Line 10 also connects to Porta Susa station.
From Porta Nuova and Porta Susa it is possible to interchange with metro line 1.

These lines will be intensified and special shifts will be operated to cover the public's inflow and outflow times.